Four signs to identify a paedopile

Four signs to identify a paedopile

Firstly, you have to know who pedophiles are.

A pedophile is someone, usually a male, who is sexually attracted to children who haven’t hit puberty. Pedophiles are fully aware that the society detests them so they are very calculative and subtle.

How can you identify who a pedophile?

(1) Pedophiles are very nice to children. They are aware that children are more comfortable around someone who is friendly. So they employ this as a tactic to lure them. They sometimes offer candies and toys and would flash a warm smile.

(2) Once a pedophile is always a pedophile. That is, anyone who confessed of ONCE being a pedophile but has repented is only deceiving you. Psychologists have reached the conclusion that pedophilia is not a mere sexual orientation but a disease of the mind. And the bad news is : It is incurable. Therefore you are warned to keep your little girls away from a man with a history of child molestation whether he is a saintly priest or a renowned teacher.

(3) Bachelors above thirty-five years of age should be under your watchlist of possibly pedophiles, especially if they are not expressing desire to marry in the near future. The reason is because pedophiles cannot maintain a normal relationship. In fact, most of them are helplessly impotent in the presence of adult females.

(4) Pedophiles are generally childish. You should be wary of men who behave like little boys. Naturally as men grow, they exhibit characteristics that tell them apart from kiddos; but when a full grown man has consistently being infantile then you should keep your daughters an arm length from him.

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